

Each Minisymposia is expected to consist of at least one 2-hour session(6 presentations of 20 minutes each). The number of sessions of each MS will be determined by the multiples of six papers submitted.

In each MS a Keynote lecture is allowed every two full sessions of the MS, where a keynote presentation normally comprises two presentation slots. This means you should have at least 10 confirmed presentations to schedule a KL.

The above scheduling includes time for questions and discussion.

Organized by: F. Zeighami (University of Bologna, Italy), G. Alotta (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Italy) and A. Russillo (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
Keywords: Acoustic metamaterials, Elastic metamaterials, Ground-borne vibration, Seismic protection, Vibration isolation
Organized by: S. Warnakulasuriya (Technical University of Munich, Germany), I. Antonau (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany), T. Ansari (Technical University of Munich, Germany), F. Airaudo (George Mason University, United States), H. Antil (George Mason University, United States), R. Löhner (George Mason University, United States) and R. Wüchner (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Keywords: digital twin, engineering design, optimal sensor placement, system identification
Organized by: C. De Michele (CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Italy), A. Aiello (University Federico II of Naples, Italy), L. Alberti (Marche Polytechnic University, Italy) and E. Carnevali (Marche Polytechnic University, Italy)
Keywords: Fluid Dynamics, High-Order Methods, numerical methods, Structure-Preservation, Turbulence Modeling
Organized by: S. Di Giovacchino (University of L'Aquila, Italy), N. Ferro (MOX Politecnico di Milano, Italy), S. Mirabella (MOX Politecnico di Milano, Italy), G. Pagano (University of Salerno, Italy) and F. Pichi (SISSA, Italy)
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, Deep Learning, Parameter estimation, Real-world applications, Stiff problems, Stochastic problems , Multi-Scale problems and simulations
Organized by: C. Cantagallo (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), A. Ricciutelli (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), N. Di Marco (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), M. Valeri (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy) and V. Sangiorgio (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
Keywords: 3D printing technologies, Computational Analysis, Parametric Modelling, Performance Evaluation
Organized by: M. Manucci (University of Stuttgart, Germany), L. Saluzzi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy) and M. Strazzullo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Keywords: data-driven surrogate models, feedback control, model order reduction, model predictive control, optimal control, projection-based reduced order models
Organized by: G. Bertaglia (University of Ferrara, Italy), E. Iacomini (University of Ferrara, Italy) and C. Segala (Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland)
Keywords: kinetic models, multi-agent systems, multiscale problems, optimal control, uncertainty quantification, data-driven methods
Organized by: F. Nisar (IPPT PAN, Poland) and C. Shang (CIMNE, Spain)
Keywords: Computational Modelling, Manufacturing, Sintering, Powder processing
Organized by: F. Califano (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and M. Ruggieri (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Keywords: Constitutive Modeling, soft materials, viscoelasticity
Organized by: P. Antonietti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), S. Bonetti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), N. Kumar (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and S. Pagani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Keywords: biomedicine, geophysics, multi-scale problems, sustainability, multi-physics problems
Organized by: M. Ries (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) and L. Laubert (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Keywords: atomistic methods, micromechanics, multiscale modelling, nanomechanics
Organized by: A. Carotenuto (University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy) and S. Palumbo (University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy)
Keywords: Bioinspired systems, Biomechanics, coupled problems, Growth and morphogenesis
Organized by: A. Caimi (Università di Pavia, Italy), G. Formenton (Università di Pavia, Italy) and M. Schembri (Università di Pavia, Italy)
Keywords: Experimental results, Mechanical characterization, Numerical simulations, Techniques, Cardiovascular tissues
Organized by: R. Piersanti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), N. Biasi (Università di Pisa, Italy), M. Bucelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), F. Regazzoni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and F. Renzi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Keywords: digital twins, high performance computing, vascular modeling, Heart modeling
Organized by: G. Alotta (“Mediterranean” University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), A. Di Matteo (University of Palermo, Italy) and F. Pinnola (University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy)
Keywords: Innovative Materials, Vibration Control, Energy Harvesting
Organized by: R. LABERNARDA (Università della Calabria, Italy) and F. MAZZA (Università della Calabria, Italy)
Keywords: Degradation phenomena, Experimental testing, FRCM systems, Masonry and concrete structures, Numerical modelling, Seismic assessment
Organized by: L. Greco (University of Pavia, Italy) and M. Torre (Univesity of Pavia, Italy)
Keywords: high-order finite elements, Immersed method, Isogeometric Analysis
Organized by: M. Schilling (University of Stuttgart - IBB, Germany) and M. Vinot (German Aerospace Center - DLR, Germany)
Keywords: composite modelling, damage prediction, finite element method, multiscale analysis
Organized by: G. Di Bella (University of Messina, Italy), M. Chairi (University of Messina, Italy), G. Marabello (University of Messina, Italy) and V. Palomba (CNR ITAE, Italy)
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Computational Design, Heat Exchangers, Lattice Structures, Topology Optimization
Organized by: S. Bonandin (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) and S. Veneruso (University of Ferrara, Italy)
Keywords: complex systems, efficiency, interacting particle models
Organized by: F. Recrosi (University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), M. Schaintella (University of Perugia, Italy) and F. Luppino (University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
Keywords: Functionally Graded Materials, Multicomponet Materials, Numerical Homogenization
Organized by: F. Recrosi (University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), G. Lucci (La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and M. Serpelloni (University of Brescia, Italy)
Keywords: Complex Biological Systems, Computational Biomechanics, Tissue Mechanics
Organized by: M. Doškář (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia) and M. Horák (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia)
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, Computational material design, homogenisation, Metamaterials, multiscale modelling
Organized by: D. Güzel (TU Dortmund University, Germany), P. Hartwig (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), S. Hellebrand (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) and T. Kaiser (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
Keywords: coupled problems, homogenisation, micromechanics, multiscale modelling
Organized by: G. Failla (University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), G. Alotta (University of Reggio Calabria, Italy) and A. Burlon (University of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
Keywords: generalized continua, multi-physics phenomena, nano- and micro-architected materials, nonlocal continua, peridynamics, small-size structures
Organized by: A. Ceci (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), D. Passiatore (Università del Salento, Italy), M. Di Renzo (Università del Salento, Italy) and D. Modesti (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)
Keywords: Aero-thermodynamics, CFD, High-Speed Flows, HPC
Organized by: G. Ongaro (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), M. Tuna (Alma Mater Studiorium - University of Bologna, Turkey), M. Colatosti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and M. Pingaro (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Keywords: Computational Mechanics, Crack Propagation, Advanced numerical techniques, Damage
Organized by: J. Heinzmann (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) and A. Fajardo Lacave (Robert Bosch GmbH, ETH Zurich, Germany)
Keywords: coupled problems, fracture mechanics, numerical methods, phae-field modeling
Organized by: A. Gomero Soria (Empa, ETH Zürich, Switzerland) and H. Oudich (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Keywords: coupled problems, microstructure evolution, Numerical simulations, phase-field
Organized by: P. Di Re (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), C. Gatta (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), N. Nodargi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) and A. Paoloni (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Keywords: Masonry Mechanics, Masonry Strengthening, Nonlinear Analysis, Numerical Methods, Structural Assessment, Structural Health Monitoring
Organized by: R. Cavuoto (University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy), M. Marulli (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy), E. Monaldo (Roma Tre University, Italy) and A. Rodella (“Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy)
Keywords: Damage, Fracture, Material failure
Organized by: I. Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and S. Gómez (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, efficiency, finite element method, high performance computing, HPC, Nonlinear Analysis, Numerical Methods, Physics-based Models
Organized by: A. D'Inverno (SISSA, Italy), C. Scalone (University of L'Aquila, Italy), G. Speroni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), E. Temellini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and C. Valentino (University of Salerno, Italy)
Keywords: Data-Driven, Numerical Simulations, Physics-based Models, Scientific Machine Learning, Sustainability
Organized by: M. Chasapi (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), D. Goutaudier (Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France), T. Hirschler (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France) and F. Rocha (Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)
Keywords: fast computing, hybrid modelling, machine learning, real-time simulation, reduced order modelling
Organized by: F. Di Fiore (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and H. Pehlivan Solak (Arkhe Marine Naval Architecture & Engineering, Turkey)
Keywords: Multi-Physics Systems, Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization, Real-Time Health Monitoring, Scientific Machine Learning, Sustainable Technologies
Organized by: A. Iannuzzo (Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy), E. Reccia (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy), M. Lai (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy) and C. Olivieri (Università telematica Pegaso, Italy)
Keywords: Masonry and concrete structures, Masonry Mechanics, Membrane, Numerical modelling, Structural Assessment, Structure-Preservation
Organized by: P. Kumar (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), A. Santarossa (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) and P. Steinmann (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Keywords: computational modeling, experimental studies, fracture and failure, inelasticity, soft materials
Organized by: D. Oberto (Sissa, Italy), M. Pintore (Sorbonne Université, France) and G. Teora (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Keywords: Hybrid methods, Machine learning, Numerical analysis, Numerical Methods
Organized by: M. Balcer (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States), W. Bennet (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States), W. Gammel (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States) and A. Timko (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States)
Keywords: error estimation, surrogate modelling, uncertainty quantification, validation, sensitivity analysis, verification