Each Minisymposia is expected to consist of at least one 2-hour session(6 presentations of 20 minutes each). The number of sessions of each MS will be determined by the multiples of six papers submitted.
In each MS a Keynote lecture is allowed every two full sessions of the MS, where a keynote presentation normally comprises two presentation slots. This means you should have at least 10 confirmed presentations to schedule a KL.
The above scheduling includes time for questions and discussion.
Keywords: Acoustic metamaterials, Elastic metamaterials, Ground-borne vibration, Seismic protection, Vibration isolation
Keywords: digital twin, engineering design, optimal sensor placement, system identification
Keywords: Fluid Dynamics, High-Order Methods, numerical methods, Structure-Preservation, Turbulence Modeling
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, Deep Learning, Parameter estimation, Real-world applications, Stiff problems, Stochastic problems , Multi-Scale problems and simulations
Keywords: 3D printing technologies, Computational Analysis, Parametric Modelling, Performance Evaluation
Keywords: data-driven surrogate models, feedback control, model order reduction, model predictive control, optimal control, projection-based reduced order models
Keywords: kinetic models, multi-agent systems, multiscale problems, optimal control, uncertainty quantification, data-driven methods
Keywords: Computational Modelling, Manufacturing, Sintering, Powder processing
Keywords: Constitutive Modeling, soft materials, viscoelasticity
Keywords: biomedicine, geophysics, multi-scale problems, sustainability, multi-physics problems
Keywords: atomistic methods, micromechanics, multiscale modelling, nanomechanics
Keywords: Bioinspired systems, Biomechanics, coupled problems, Growth and morphogenesis
Keywords: Experimental results, Mechanical characterization, Numerical simulations, Techniques, Cardiovascular tissues
Keywords: digital twins, high performance computing, vascular modeling, Heart modeling
Keywords: Innovative Materials, Vibration Control, Energy Harvesting
Keywords: Degradation phenomena, Experimental testing, FRCM systems, Masonry and concrete structures, Numerical modelling, Seismic assessment
Keywords: high-order finite elements, Immersed method, Isogeometric Analysis
Keywords: composite modelling, damage prediction, finite element method, multiscale analysis
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Computational Design, Heat Exchangers, Lattice Structures, Topology Optimization
Keywords: complex systems, efficiency, interacting particle models
Keywords: Functionally Graded Materials, Multicomponet Materials, Numerical Homogenization
Keywords: Complex Biological Systems, Computational Biomechanics, Tissue Mechanics
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, Computational material design, homogenisation, Metamaterials, multiscale modelling
Keywords: coupled problems, homogenisation, micromechanics, multiscale modelling
Keywords: generalized continua, multi-physics phenomena, nano- and micro-architected materials, nonlocal continua, peridynamics, small-size structures
Keywords: Aero-thermodynamics, CFD, High-Speed Flows, HPC
Keywords: Computational Mechanics, Crack Propagation, Advanced numerical techniques, Damage
Keywords: coupled problems, fracture mechanics, numerical methods, phae-field modeling
Keywords: coupled problems, microstructure evolution, Numerical simulations, phase-field
Keywords: Masonry Mechanics, Masonry Strengthening, Nonlinear Analysis, Numerical Methods, Structural Assessment, Structural Health Monitoring
Keywords: Damage, Fracture, Material failure
Keywords: Advanced numerical techniques, efficiency, finite element method, high performance computing, HPC, Nonlinear Analysis, Numerical Methods, Physics-based Models
Keywords: Data-Driven, Numerical Simulations, Physics-based Models, Scientific Machine Learning, Sustainability
Keywords: fast computing, hybrid modelling, machine learning, real-time simulation, reduced order modelling
Keywords: Multi-Physics Systems, Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization, Real-Time Health Monitoring, Scientific Machine Learning, Sustainable Technologies
Keywords: Masonry and concrete structures, Masonry Mechanics, Membrane, Numerical modelling, Structural Assessment, Structure-Preservation
Keywords: computational modeling, experimental studies, fracture and failure, inelasticity, soft materials
Keywords: Hybrid methods, Machine learning, Numerical analysis, Numerical Methods
Keywords: error estimation, surrogate modelling, uncertainty quantification, validation, sensitivity analysis, verification