MS037 - Shell and spatial structures, young contributions
Keywords: Masonry and concrete structures, Masonry Mechanics, Membrane, Numerical modelling, Structural Assessment, Structure-Preservation
The topics covered in the MS may include, but are not limited to:
Shell; Spatial structures; Vaults and domes; Thin plates; Thin-walled structures; Membrane analysis; Thrust Network Analysis; Optimization; Form Finding; Upper and lower bound Limit Analysis; Computational strategies based on either Discrete Element Method (DEM) or Finite Element Method (FEM); Homogenization approaches; Multiscale models for fracture/damage simulation, damage/plasticity models including unilateral contact and friction; No Tension models; Concrete; Fracture, damage and defects detection.
Participants in the MS are welcome to submit an extended and original version of their contribution to be published in a dedicated Special Issue.